The Right Lawyer For Your Motor Vehicle Injury Lawsuit Can Make The Difference
Founding Father Ben Franklin said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
But there’s one more: the car accident.
America has millions and millions of cars and trucks on the roads. In Brooklyn alone, where we’re located, at least a few thousand people are injured in car accidents per year. And more than 200 people lose their lives every year in various types of traffic accidents throughout NYC.
That doesn’t count New York State as a whole and our neighbors in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.

What Happens To Someone After A Car Crash?
A serious motor vehicle accident often triggers many problems all at once:
- How will you get the quality medical care you need?
- How will you get back to work and make a living?
- How do you figure out who was at fault for the wreck?
- How will your family shoulder the burden at home?
In short, your life is turned upside down – for a little while at least. Possibly for years.
How To Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer?
It used to be the Yellow Pages. Now it’s the Internet. Or you saw an ad on a billboard, the side of a bus, or TV commercial.
“Injured in a car accident? No recovery, no fee!”
But how do you know if it’s the right lawyer for your case? You don’t.

Find Injury Law Solves This Problem
There are a lot of motor vehicle accidents. And there are a lot of injury attorneys.
Did you suffer a head injury? Compression fracture to your spine? Does the lawyer have experience dealing with serious, life-changing injuries like amputation or paralysis? Does the lawyer have an excellent track record on verdicts and settlements in motor vehicle accident cases?
Find Injury Law connects you with the perfect lawyer for your case – at no extra cost.
Call 24 hours a day at 888-888-6470 or contact us online to get started now.
The facts
According to the New York Dept. of State:
Most people go home after leaving the hospital, but about 20 percent need care in a dedicated rehab center or even a skilled nursing facility.
A significant number of crash victims – about 30 percent – suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a motor vehicle accident.
Young New Yorkers in their early 20s tend to need hospitalization – more so than other age groups.
Rehab, nursing, or other ongoing medical care comes at a cost. So too does traumatic brain injury and other catastrophic injuries. And being young, you have your whole life ahead of you, but hospitalization often means life-changing injuries. Though getting hurt like this is hard for anyone at any age.